Replacing 1972 Boler Rear Rotted Plywood Floor

This is how I replaced a partially rotten plywood on a 1972 or older Boler Trailer, Most 1972 and older Bolers came with a raw plywood floor and have rotting issues, while you can install the raw plywood like on the original Bolers, I always recommend to fiberglass over the new plywood to make it water tight and to always fiberglass it to the wall top and bottom.

My First Boler Trailer Fiberglass Door Build

With the dozens of Boler Trailers that I have worked on, most require some door repair or reset, some are so bad they need a new custom Boler door, because of this I decided to make my own Boler door molds. I found that because of the age of Bolers and their poor frames the curve of the bodies by the door varies so much making each one different, because of this I made my outer door mold so it can be adjusted to follow the outer curve of each specific Boler body, this ensures the best fit on the new Boler doors that I make.